Friday, February 27, 2009

After Hannah, Ryan and Abby were born and died, I discovered the world of "on-line" and *met* so many women whom I've connected with. I've shared some of the most personal thoughts and feelings I've ever had with these women and together, we navigated through the tangles of our grief.

In the beginning of my grief and recovery journey, these women were my life-line. As I already mentioned, I shared thoughts and feelings with them that were so intimate, so painful and so raw that only another woman who was experiencing them would understand. Our grief was so new and in a way, we clung to each other with the hope that we could help each other find our way in a world which seemed like it had no way. And although it brought great sadness to know that they also felt such heart-wrenching grief, there was a comfort in knowing that my feelings were "normal" and that I wasn't alone. I came to know these women in ways that I have never known anyone before, or since.

Through the years, most of these relationships have since faded. Sometimes I wonder what happened to the women who were so important to me at such a difficult time in my life. Are they happy? (I like to believe that they are). Have they come to a place of quiet peace with their loss? (I hope that the have). I also wonder if they ever think of me, of Hannah, Ryan and Abby, the way that I think of them and their babies. Because there are still times that I do think them. I cannot look back on the last 5 years without thinking about them~people whom I've never met, but who have touched my life deeply.

I am sad for all these babies and children who never had a chance to experience all the joys, heartaches and wonders of life. But I am also eternally grateful for them. Their brief existence in our world helped bring their mothers and me together. And so tonight I honor all the babies whose lives have touched mine, through the strength and love so freely given to me by their mothers. And I thank these special women for allowing me to grieve openly and shamelessly when I needed too. Your support has helped me to heal.

To: Julia, Scott and Jeremiah; Trevor and Shane; Molly and Joseph; Edward, Olivia and Liliana; West, Rebeca and Keating; Mallory; Liam; and Georgia. Thank you. Although we have never met, in my own special way, I love you.


Lori said...

Yes, I feel exactly the same way.

Even though I have needed to walk away in large part from that support, I will always, always, always be grateful it was there when I needed it. There was no one in my real life that could have offered even half of what that small group of women did for me during that dark time. And I do think about their babies often and I too hope they are happy.

I can't imagine there will ever be a day that I don't remember Ryan, Hannah and Abby. Not only because their mama has meant so much to me, but also because their births and deaths are so closely aligned with my own heavenly babies. I really do like to believe that in some form that I can't conceive of, our children are friends.

Stephanie White said...

In so many ways you are my best friends. In so many ways you were my only link to sanity. I think it is beyond fair to say that I would not be where I am today without the help, the shoulder, the camaraderie, the understanding, and the cheering by each of you.

I think about you and your children (all of your children) all the time. All the time. I too choose to believe our children are friends.