Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Thanks Jibboo

When I imagined having children, one thing I often pictured was reading stories at bedtime. I love reading and want to pass this passion onto my children, so I introduced books to both of them as soon as they came home from the hospital.

Laura likes texture books-the kind where she can feel a rabbit's fur or touch an elephant's ear. Her favorites, however, are those that she can cram in her mouth and chew. We don’t do much reading, per se, but she's getting the exposure...

Joey loves his books and through them, he is not only learning new words and ideas, but also the art of negotiation. At night, I will say "Okay Joey, pick out two stories to read before bed" and he inevitably says "No Mommy, 4 stories!" We usually compromise at three, but I admire his efforts in trying to squeeze one more out of me.

As is typical with a toddler, he tends to read the same books over and over again. I readily admit that I'm bored with them long before he is, but I try to muster enthusiasm as I read "Make Way for Ducklings" by Robert McCloskey, for the 7th night in a row.

His current passion is Dr. Seuess's "Oh The Thinks You Can Think". When we get to the page "And what would you do if you met a Jibboo?" we pause and talk about all the things we would do.

We've come up with many, but singing to the Jibboo quickly became the favorite. I'm sure this is because he's realized that by making up 3 or 4 verses of song, he can delay his bedtime by a precious 5 minutes, but I don't mind. At the end of the day, there is nothing sweeter than hearing my son's high pitched voice belting out songs to the imaginary Jibboo.

It makes bedtime stories so much better than I ever imagined they would be. So today, I say a heartfelt thank you to Dr. Seuess...

1 comment:

Angela said...

God, is that sweet! Singing to Jibboo!

You know, those 2 books are favorites of Luca's too. He is a big McCloskey fan - "Blueberries for Sal" has fallen apart. He also like the one in which Sal loses her tooth. And, Seuss has actually provided all of us with so much wisdom and comfort - especially "Oh, the Places You Will Go." I bought that for Scott the Father's Day right after we lost Hope, Meret and Annalisa.

You may think you are incompetent when it comes to insurance, but look at what you are doing for your son! Reading and singing and just spending time with him is beyond competent. Do you ever think that maybe you don't want to deal with the insurance stuff because you know what is significant and what REALLY matters - spending time singing to the Jibboo rather than hanging out on the telephone with insurance companies and doctors' offices?