Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The Funk and The Plan

Several times over the past few months, I made lists to help me get out of The Funk, but I realize now that those lists set me up for failure. They were too detailed and put too much pressure on me. My goals were too specific: drop 1 lbs/week, walk every day, do laundry on Mondays, etc. and so when life threw me a curve ball (which, as a Mom with two children, is bound to happen just about every day) and I couldn't accomplish a goal for a specific day, I felt like I had failed. This just perpetuated The Funk.

Now I'm in action mode, again. However, this time The Plan is general. Simple. Basic. It looks like this:

*Start each morning off by asking Hannah, Ryan and Abby to give me strength to face whatever challenges come my way today.

*Stop thinking ahead of myself. Don't waste energy today worrying about what's going to happen tomorrow because inevitably, what I'm worried about isn't what's going to happen anyway.

*Find some projects (that are not cleaning related)

I'm not new to The Plan. It was a tool given to me by my shrink as I dug my way out of the depths of grief after Hannah, Ryan and Abby died, so I thought I would resurrect it and give it a shot now.

Today is day two and while I don't feel magically cured of The Funk, I can tell that my step is a little lighter. And that's a great start.


Angela said...

Yea! The plan sounds like a great way to get out of the funk. So far, so good!

Lori said...

It sounds like a very good plan. Simple is usually best. And it is always best to focus on the things that are truly important.

When I am in a funk my morning prayer is that I might "be a blessing to someone else today." Even if it is just toward my kids, I know it always helps me when I shift my focus outward rather than inward. And heaven knows I need to be reminded to intentionally seek opportunities to bless those around me!