Sunday, March 9, 2008

The Promise of Daffs...

I love the seasons, all of them. But the warmth, beauty and sunlight of Spring always makes me a cheerier person.

In celebration of the coming of Spring, every March, R and I have a dinner date and go to the flower show. This year, he couldn't make it, so I decided to go during the day, with the kids. I knew Laura would be fine, as she just loves to look at new things and faces, but I was a bit worried about how Joey would do because at almost 3, he's not keen on being buckled into the stroller for long periods of time. However, I figured we'd give it a shot and worse case, we leave early (or they throw us out!).

With Laura strapped into the Baby Bjorn and Joey holding my hand, I bought our tickets. We entered the convention center and were immediately greeted by a huge showing of championship daffodils. The display was breathtaking and I instantly felt lifted. I love daffodils because even though they don't smell, they are a sturdy, bright and happy flower.

We easily traversed through the displays, walking over bridges and through "houses" all of us soaking in the different sights, sounds, colors and smells of "Spring". There were a few minor mishaps-like when I took my eyes off Joey for one minute only to find him climbing the E.P. Henry Paver display, thinking it was his own personal jungle-gym. Or when he walked up the "banks" of a pond to get a closer look at the fish swimming. But for the most part, we all did really well.

When we left, it was cold and raining, but the spirit in my heart was lighter. I know I'm putting a lot of weight on Spring this year-I want it to help pull me out of my funk and move me into a better light-and if our excursion to the Flower Show was any indication of what the Spring will do for my mood, I know I'll be okay.

1 comment:

Lori said...

Spring really is a miracle isn't it? I can't wait...