Friday, March 21, 2008

On Your Mark, Get Set, Go....well, sort of anyway!

Laura's been in PT for gross motor skill delays since she was 4 months old. Well, 8 months came and went and she was showing no interest in getting up on all fours and rocking, let alone crawling. Joey started getting up on all fours and rocking by 4 1/2 months, then right around 9 months, he started crawling. I just assumed all kids would "practice" before learning to crawl, since that was how Joey did it. When Laura wasn't even trying by 9 months, I started getting really worried.

Well, yesterday she got up on all fours, rocked for a moment, moved her arms and legs into a "crawl" and advanced forward. Then she flopped down. She looked at me with the most "I'm so proud of me" grin on her face--I could have just gobbled her up! However, before I had a chance to do anything but smile back, she turned away, re-focused, got up, rocked and had some forward momentum before flopped again. This time, instead of trying again, she got distracted by some fascinating fuzzy on the floor and she moved onto picking that up and putting it into her mouth...

It seems Laura is going to do things her own way at her own pace, which is a good thing. I'm really proud of her and, honestly, relieved that she's nearing this milestone. It won't be long now before she's off and running.

Speaking of running, yesterday I ran for 15 minutes, then walked for 15 minutes PAIN FREE. The jog was slow and ugly, but nonetheless, it was a jog and I'm still pain free today! I'm hopeful that it won't be long before I'm off and running, too.

So, it was a momentous day yesterday for me and my daughter as we both made great strides in moving forward...


Lori said...

Great news for both of you!!

Some kids have a lot of build up before learning a new skill, and others just wait and wait and then DO it! Big J didn't make any real attempts at walking until he was 14 months old and then he walked clear across the room. Within three days he went from first steps to completely walking. Little T started trying to walk at 11 months old and spent the next two months taking a few steps and falling constantly! Frankly, I enjoyed J's method better!

Way to go Laura!! And way to go YOU!!

Angela said...

YEA! What great news all around! I am proud of both of you!

L was so slow on gross motor stuff. He didn't crawl until 10 months and I don't think there was a lot of prep on his part. He also did not walk until after 1 (14-15 months?).

Anyway, I also realized that he is going to do things when he does them and milestones are just milestones. It is so hard to remember this!

I am glad that you are both off and running! The fog is starting to lift.