Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Cry It Out

My body craved sleep so badly last night that at 9:30 p.m. I put in ear plugs and went to bed. I briefly heard Joey around 2:00 a.m. and then I briefly heard Laura around 3:30, but I didn't go to either of them.

This morning, Laura woke up around 6:30 and Joey woke up around 6:45. I have no idea what their nights were like, I only know that for the first time in over a year, I didn't stagger out of my bed to comfort them at "oh-dark-30". They are both happy today, so whatever happened last night, it couldn't have been too bad. And, although I still need more sleep, I feel a ton better.

Now I only hope I have the courage and strength to do it again tonight...


Angela said...

YEA! This brings back memories of sleep deprivation. I was a mess for about 3-4 months and DH had the nerve to get judgemental about it. Anyway, sleep deprivation is THE WORST. Brain doesn't work . . . body doesn't work. I hope all goes well tonight too. This can only help you with "The Plan."

Lori said...

Good for you!! It sounds like to me they were both just fine and that another couple nights of this and you might have two kids sleeping through the night! How great would that be?!?