Friday, November 28, 2008

What a Difference Time Does Make

5 years ago, R and I decided to "host" Thanksgiving dinner. It was just 3 short weeks after Hannah, Ryan and Abby were born and I think we were both hoping that having something to do would help us through the holiday. I don't remember much, except that R grilled the turkey and burned it, char and I cried throughout Grace and most of the dinner. It was a very sad day and although I knew there were things I was Thankful for, I couldn't see them.

This year, we decided to host it again. The turkey was grilled to perfection, our table looked beautiful, and the house was full of life. We had my sister and her 4 children, my brother and sister-in-law and their 2 children, my parents and my grandma. It was complete chaos as the kids played and laughed and got alone the way only family can. When it was finally time to eat, we all sat around the tables and my 7 year old niece said Grace. I was listening to her, but I was also thinking about Hannah, Ryan and Abby.

This year, though, as I looked down the table at my family, I smiled and my heart filled with joy. This year, I can clearly feel and see all the things that I am Thankful for.


Lori said...

Yes... the healing power of time, and new life...

We still remember, and I know we always will, but it is wonderful to be at a place where the remembering doesn't hurt so much anymore. Although, I had a few poignant moments over Thanksgiving when Joseph and Molly came to mind and I felt just a little teary. Even so, those moments just don't have the sting that they used to. In a way, I'm just as thankful for those moments too.

I'm so glad you had such a happy Thanksgiving.

Unknown said...

I am not to a point that I can see things so clearly. I am getting there. The fog that I have been under is starting to lift.

I am so happy that the Thanksgiving you hosted this year was so wonderful. You deserve this peace that you are experiencing, April. You really do.

P.S. Can I put a link to your blog on mine so that I will check yours more regularly?

April said...


Please feel free to put a link to my blog. I hope that with time you are able to see things more clearly and your fog lifts more and more each day. Wishing you peace~