Monday, February 25, 2008

Elusive Dreams...

My husband and I will be celebrating our 10 year wedding anniversary this fall. We recently booked a resort vacation for just the two of us, to celebrate. It will be the first vacation we've taken alone since 2004 and even though we're not leaving until November 1st, we're both really excited~

R is looking forward to the beach, scuba lessons, the tennis clinics, golf and the fine dining that are included in our package.

I'm excited about those things, too. But more so, I'm excited at the prospect of a full week of uninterrupted sleep! Honestly, that thought, well, it just makes me giddy.

See, Laura is 9 months old now but still doesn't sleep through the night. With the exception of a few cheerios here and there, she's exclusively nursing. We introduced solids at 6 months and she loved them, but by 7 months, she was boycotting them completely. My pediatrician said to try every few days but realize it may be a texture thing. So, we tried every few days, but she would just spit them out or clamp her mouth shut and cry. Knowing that I have a life-time of battles ahead of me with this child, I decided fairly quickly that this one wasn't worth the effort. So, I packed up the baby food and gave it away.

She's happier. I'm happier.

However, she's now back to full time nursing, which means she usually wakes at night at least once to eat. This wake-up call tends to happen just as I'm falling into that wonderful, deep, coma like sleep. I’ve finally drifted into a dreamlike state and then suddenly, I'm jolted awake by the desperate cries of my hungry little lamb. I've thought about letting her cry, but then I end up laying there, wondering if my baby is withering away to nothing, from starvation. Of course, if you saw her chubby little thighs, you would understand how ridiculous this concern is, but hey it is the middle of the night, so I don't claim to be thinking clearly…

Anyway, we have her 9 month checkup this Friday. I’m hoping we get the "green light" for pancakes and other easy to eat solids. Somehow, I think this is going magically cure her late night snacking and she will start to sleep 10 hours straight. We'll see.

Perhaps I'm just chasing a crazy dream…

1 comment:

Lori said...

Oh do I hear you! All three of mine took at least a year to start consistently sleeping through the night. Even my Pumpkin still wakes up now and then, although she of course doesn't need to eat. Still, it wakes me up!

I remember those days of fantasizing about a full night's sleep! Sometimes, I still have them!! :)

I'm glad you and Rod have made such fun plans! Ben and I will celebrate our 16th anniversary this June. Can you believe that?!?